Saeko Misaki, a female commander who commands the Magna Rangers...In the past, she was captured by an evil organization and experienced sexual hell. - Even after that, he could not forget the sensation he felt at that time and continued to torment the female commander. - Magnapink Momoka Sakuragawa, who has a strong admiration for the female commander, desperately defeats monsters and improves her skills as a warrior in order to live up to her expectations. - One day, the image of the evil executive Pheles, who was supposed to have been defeated, remained in Magna Pink's battle drive data. - Love juice overflows from the female commander's crotch with the disgusting memory of being captured and played with. - The female commander, who had been brainwashed by sexual pleasure, once again wanted more sexual stimulation, so she ensnared Magna Pink herself and presented it to the executive Feres, who sexually assaulted her. - "Commander! Please wake up!" Magna Pink being attacked Momoka Sakuragawa's desperate cries could not be heard by the fallen female commander...The traitorous female commander captured Magna Pink and delighted the executives. - All I could think about was getting that reward... [BAD END]