It is a plan to pretend to be a certain program to a woman who missed the last train, "I will pay the taxi fare, so can I go home?" - There is a human drama of that person in the original house that has not been cleaned up. - ■ Report Report ① This time, the stage is Ebisu at night! - The main character is Kochira's older sister, who gave the OK to this project with two replies, "Looks interesting!" - We will send you a taxi to your home immediately! - ② Let's take a quick look at her older sister's profile before we arrive at her house! - Born in Nara Prefecture! - Exactly one year since I moved to Tokyo this year! - He works in the bank's market department, and seems to be in charge of buying and selling bonds! - It seems that the stability of the salary and the environment where women can work with peace of mind was the reason they decided to take this job! - If you listen to this far, you should think that she is a very serious and beautiful girl! - but! - This older sister... she's incredibly addictive! - Her rent is paid by her parents and she is a boxed daughter at heart! - In her room, there is a cute dog and an electric piano that she has been playing since she was 3 years old! - She has drums that she started in college and a trampoline for exercise! - On top of that, she wears her favorite lingerie and has lights and a tripod for posting on SNS, "I want to be pampered! I want to be seen with naughty eyes♪" She said happily... huh? - ? - ④If you listen further, this sister actually has a bad habit of drinking and gets lonely! - When she gets into a fight with her boyfriend, she takes her male friend and has sex with her. - ? - ⑤ The more I listened to the story, the more I felt like "I'm a strong man...", but the older sister, who got drunk and got excited, groped the crotch of the director during the shoot and said, "It smells good. Let me smell it." Te ♪" Tasted the Ji Po that came out! - "I like this smell~♪" The director who sucks in her mouth pussy with long strokes and her drool and rhythmical handjob quickly makes me go crazy! - Furthermore, while holding her proud dildo in her mouth, self-masturbation starts with toys allotted to her pussy! - It's before the main story, but the voltage is MAX! - That's why I decided to summon two actors in a hurry! - ? - What is the ending of the slutty sister with infinite libido vs the battle-hardened AV actor x 2!? - Please enjoy the main story!