This is a project where a woman who misses the last train pretends to be on a certain program, saying, "I'll pay for the taxi, so can I go home?" - There is a human drama of that person in the original house that has not been cleaned up. - ■Report Report 1. This time, it appears in Roppongi in the rain! - Encountering a sister on the way home from drinking! - I'm going to let you disturb my house! - ②Take a taxi to your home in Itabashi! - I work at a bar in Roppongi. - Born in Shizuoka prefecture. - When she was a student, she devoted herself to sports, and after graduating, she worked at an automobile factory. - Realizing that she doesn't do anything feminine at all, she works at a cabaret club and follows men to Tokyo. - She's lived an extraordinary life to where she is today. - ③ Arrive at home! - There are boxing goods in the large room. - It seems that it started under the influence of the ex-boyfriend. - I like gambling and I like alcohol. - Handsome! - ④ The luggage when I moved is left as it is. - When you're fishing inside, you'll find a souvenir... - She used to go to a prestigious volleyball school and participate in inter-high school. - As she listened to her stories from her childhood, she also opened up about her past growing up in a complicated family environment. - The appearance of her tearfully talking about her feelings for her beloved father, she was handsome until a while ago, but the gap makes me cringe. - ⑤ And even if you talk like that, her breasts are still worrisome. - There are also things in the room that are reminiscent of SEX... - I decided to call a friend who is really good at SEX. - She seemed to be excited, and she let me touch her breasts normally. - ⑥ Sex ⇒ Boobs with good size and shape! - I can't believe it's Arasa...! - And then there's the gap! - Even though she has the skin of an older sister, when she sees Ochi○po in front of her, she is shy and cute. - The expression that is distorted by the stimulation to her endlessly surging Omako will further stir up this libido! - ⑦Involuntarily, “Ane-san! - This time I met a wonderful person who wants to call me. - But it may be the atmosphere that can be created because I have lived through hardships. - Such a strong person is still a woman when having sex... - Thinking about it makes me want to protect it! - I'm just praying that my neighbors won't complain because I yelled out... - that's all! - !