This is a project where a woman who misses the last train pretends to be on a certain program, saying, "I'll pay for the taxi, so can I go home?" - There is a human drama of that person in the original house that has not been cleaned up. - ■ Report 1. Happiness of working in Ginza is in full bloom? - Wedding planner (former lounge lady) (20 years old) ② Lives in Meguro. - A happy room with lots of memorabilia. - ③She looks gorgeous, but she is actually a hard worker. - She wanted to have a happy job because she had a hard time! - (4) Tolerance in sex. - When she was a lounge lady, she also experienced a 4P love hotel party with 3 women and 1 man. - But my ideal is too high and I can't have a boyfriend. - Anyway, I can't wait for the new function electric machine now. - ⑥ As a former lounge lady and a current wedding planner, she looks good in a dress. - A nice combo of beautiful skin and beautiful breasts. - (Touch OK) ⑦ Sex ⇒ Great sex like sexual entertainment. - Fall into the illusion that you are having sex with the lounge lady as it is! - Verbal abuse and persistent anal licking are good. - It's cute that she shrewdly goes to the cowgirl position. - ⑧Ageman girl who wants to ask me to marry her! - ! - that's all