The star of this work is Akari Tsumugi, also known as Tsumutsumu! - ! - A slender beautiful girl with clear white skin and beautiful breasts is a soft and relaxing girl with an idol aura who works at her own pace! - ! - The first REbecca image in about two years was shot on location in Australia! - ! - The weather has become stormy, with sunny skies and then storms, and warm weather that turns cold enough to kill you. - I was able to shoot in beautiful scenery and nature despite the stormy weather, so I hope you enjoy watching it. - There are plenty of behind-the-scenes shots and behind-the-scenes shots taken during the filming, as well as a heartwarming scene of her playing with a dog and a rare look without makeup! - ? - The sparkle and sparkle of the tsumutsumu flows like a storm, creating a refreshing masterpiece that never stops! - !